Full details on how to make a claim or access our helplines is available when you login.

To access our helplines
LOGIN into your account and navigate to the CLAIMS & HELP tab. Under the Business Legal Protect section you will find the relevant phone numbers and websites to access these services.
To make a claim
LOGIN into your account and navigate to CLAIMS & HELP tab. Choose the policy underwhich you would like to claim and you will find the associated contact details. Please note of the DOs and DON'Ts section to make your claim easier.
If you have any questions please call us:
Our phone lines are open from Monday to Friday between the hours of 8:30am to 5:30pm (except UK bank holidays). In the meantime below are some tips if something untoward happens.

Professional Indemnity
- Something has gone wrong with your work
- Your client says you have made a mistake
- You are accused of breaching confidentiality or copyright laws
- Your client is unhappy with your work
- You are being accused of negligence
Any of the above could be a trigger to a claim under your PI cover if your client asks for financial compensation, e.g a full refund for the work you have delivered. Stay calm and make no offers or admission of liability.
Pick up the phone and contact us. The sooner you tell us about a possible problem, the better. Often an issue goes away if it gets addressed promptly and professionally.
Remember PI cover gets triggered if there is a threat of legal action against you or your client is asking for damages.

Business Legal Protect
For anything else such as contract disputes, overdue payments and general legal matters related to your business activities you have access to free legal advice. The legal professionals on the other end of the line can assess the situation and advise you on the next best step which may include a notification of a claim under your PI cover.

Public & Products Liability
- Someone has suffered an injury on your premises
- You have damaged someone else’s property
- Someone got injured during the course of your work
- A product you sold to or refurbished for your client caused an injury or damage
These are usually the reasons why you receive that dreaded email or letter asking you to pay medical expenses or financial compensation.
Get in touch as soon as someone claims you are at fault. Do not admit any liability. Leave it to your claims team to take over and deal with the situation.

Electronic Business Equipment
- Your business equipment got damaged
- You have lost or damaged hired equipment
- Someone stole your business equipment
Please remember that Suited electronic business equipment does not include mobile phones, nor does it cover lost items or unexplained disappearance.
If you have experienced any of the above, get in touch with as much detail of your item and the circumstances, including proof of purchase/ownership or rental agreement.
You must report the theft or accidental loss of your business equipment to the police within 48 hours of discovery. We will need from you the crime reference number or the lost property number in order to deal with your claim.

Business owner protect
- You have fallen ill and can't work or suffered a serious injury
As soon as you are able, do give us a call. We understand that the situation is already very difficult for you but we will still require some medical reports and evidence to support your claim. Make sure you keep all copies. This will allow us to pay your personal accident claim extremely quickly which will be our utmost priority.
Even if you work for yourself you will have some business expenses that you have to pay, be it your business insurance, professional subscriptions, internet, equipment hire charges, and more.
In order to validate your claim you will need a proof of those expenses for which you would like to make a claim. Therefore it is good practice to keep receipts for your expenses up to date.